Leveling-Up Your Life: Gift Guide

Friends, here’s a list of items I highly recommend you either gift to yourself, or a friend ๐Ÿ™‚

These are items I use almost daily, and most likely have multiple of for the sake of convenience.

  1. SoundLink Micro Bluetoothยฎ speaker – so small, great battery life, has a nice unbreakable clip so you can attach it to anything, is loud and has GREAT sound quality.
  2. Amazfit Band 5 Activity and Fitness Trackerthis man validated my choice to purchase this instead of a FitBit or other activity tracker. 10/10 battery life, does everything you need it to, at legit a fraction of the cost (like $30). Also great for small wrists!
  3. Burt’s Bees Tinted Lip Balm (I use the rose tint!) – I recommend one of these for each purse and jacket that you have so you always have it with you. They’re super light tints but add just enough of a pop of color for anytime of day.
  4. Anker Portable Charger – the two USB ports on this are a game changer, and it can charge you and your friends’ phones multiple times before you need to recharge it. It’s small enough to fit in any bag/pocket, and charges with a micro USB charger.
  5. La Roche Posay Face Moisturizer with Sunscreen – need I say more? The SPF in this is fantastic, and it’s noticeable whenever I don’t wear it for even one day. This is a great one!
  6. AirPods – enough said. They’re worth it, and can confirm the battery on these last a long time! I work from home and use them almost all day, and normally need to charge them every other day, or after three days.

Bonus items that having multiple of increase my quality of life and recommend even though they’re nothing wild or huge:

  • Buy another phone charger for yourself. It’s worth it to have extras so if you lose your one single charger, you’re not stressed about charging your phone. Leave one in your room and definitely in your car, bonus points for one in the bathroom so you can leave it in there overnight so you HAVE to get up when your alarm goes off.
  • Go to Marshalls and pick out a nice and new metal water bottle (or 2). Again, leaving a water bottle in multiple bags and rooms is so helpful so you have no excuse to be dehydrated ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Small hand lotions for every coat pocket, your car, purse, etc ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Nice pens! Just go spend those $5 at Target and get those pens you look at and are like, “Wow those look sooo nice.”
  • A nice notebook (or 2) to use said pens so you can handwrite ideas and lists instead of on our phones all the time. (Michaels always has nice but cheap notebooks FYI – lined, unlined, dot paper, and so on.)
  • Sunglasses! It’s so bright in Colorado I have pairs everywhere.
  • Nice jackets. They definitely elevate your style when you have a variety of stylish ones for any time of year and any weather.
  • Water carafe next to your bed (stay hydrated and also look how cute some of these are).
  • Glass Pyrex containers for storing food.
  • Snacks in every bag (Costco for the win here, you never know when you or a friend will be in desperate need of a snack to avoid hanger!).
  • Nice running shoes – PLEASE make sure you have some new ones with good support! You can easily hurt yourself running in old, worn-down shoes (please learn from my mistakes).

Please enjoy, and lmk if you get any of these things and what you think, or if you have anything you’d like to add to the list! hehehe

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